Kol Isha Featured in the Jerusalem Post
10 months ago I started a Facebook group called “Kol Isha! For Women & Girls only.”
The goal was to have an online space that was welcoming and accessible for Jewish women to share their creativity and talents to a supportive and encouraging all-women community. I made membership permission-based and only women can join.
The Kol Isha Facebook group immediately took off with amazing momentum and continues to grow. In a short time, it has touched and changed many women’s lives. In fact…
We’ve reached 4,000 members and have just been featured in the Jerusalem Post!
What I love about the article about our Kol Isha group is that it’s so much bigger than me. It’s the power of Jewish women coming together and creating a special, safe and creative space.
Different women articulated why this group is so important in general and to them personally:
“A group like this is a necessity… We are all sharing
our hearts and our souls with each other.” – Rachel Hutner“Despite the large size and diversity of the group,
there’s a feeling of unity and intamicy.” – Hadassa Daniels“There is nothing as affirming as a group of women who will
love you and cheer you and encourage you whether you
are a star or have never performed before.” – Sharon Katz
All women are invited to join our Facebook group!
Just go to: Facebook Group- Kol Isha! For Women & Girls Only! and request to join the group.
Looking forward to connecting with you creatively!
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