You made it to the Final Week! GO YOU! This week, we’re putting it all together.
We start the first class with a choreography workshop, where I teach you how to take the steps we learned and put them to music. The next class, we’ll learn what to do when someone asks you to show them some tap dance. I’ll put our steps in an order that you can remember and dance them whenever you want. And finally… we have our final dance number, to Benny Friedman’s “Yesh Tikvah.” You’ll be amazed how much you’ve learned and how advanced the dance is!
Thought for the week:
Your best dance is not when you get the steps exactly right – it’s when you use dance to express your unique and wonderful self!
Class 1: Choreography Workshop
You’ve learned all these great steps in the course, and you’ve even learned some specific dance routines. But what if there’s a different song you like, and you want to make up your own dance? Putting different steps together into a dance is called choreography. That’s what we’ll be learning how to do today. I’ve come up with a game that will help you choreograph your own dance, even if you’re stuck and not sure what to do. You’ll see that it’s actually pretty easy to take just about any music and make up your own dances!
Here are all the steps and combinations, so you can make your own set of cards: Shuffle… Soldier’s Step… Flap… Right Flap, Left heel, Right Stomp Clap… Flap Heel Heel… Shuffle Step, Shuffle Step, Shuffle Ball Change, Shuffle Step… Grapevine, Tap Grapevine, Turn… Shuffle off to Buffalo… Shirley Temple… Shuffle Toe Across the Foot and Back… Flap Ball Change… 3 Flaps, 2 Heels… Step Toe Hop & March… Flap Heel… Flap Heel Toe… Shuffle Hop Step… Cramp Roll… Shuffle Step… 3 Shuffle Step… Toe Heel Step Backwards… Maxie Ford… Dig Heel Toe Heel… Dig Toe Right & Left. Great, now let’s get choreographing!
Class 2: Help! What Do I Tap?
When you tell your family and friends you’ve been learning tap dance, there’s a good chance someone will say, “Great, show me something!” Now, sometimes it happens that the mind just goes blank, and you can’t think of a single step to do! Well, we’re going to fix that here and now. In this class, we’ll memorize a sequence of 15 steps and combinations, and practice it to different kinds of music. So any time someone asks you to do some tap, you’ll know exactly what to do! Here’s the list of steps:
- Three Flap Heels
- Flap Heel Turn
- Flap Heel Right & Left
- Three Flaps
- Step Toe Hop & Box Step
- Shuffle Step / Shuffle Ball Change Combination
- Grapevine Combination + Turn it, Box it, Cramp Roll it
- Toe Heel Step + March (backward) & Flap Heel Heel (forward)
- Dig Heel Toe Heel & Shuffle Hop Step
- Shuffle off to Buffalo & Box Step
- Maxie Ford turns + Stomp
- Soldier’s Step & Shuffle Toe Across the Foot
- Shirley Temple
- Flap Heel Toe
- Flap Ball Change in a circle
Okay, let’s learn it!
Class 3: Our Final Dance Number!
YOU MADE IT! Here we are at the last class of the course, doing our final dance number. So, so exciting! And for this routine, we’re going to dance to a song called “Yesh Tikvah,” sung by Benny Friedman. It’s a song about having hope and faith, even when times are difficult. What an important and positive message! And of course it’s got a great beat that we can dance to. And we’re going to bring out all our steps and combinations for this one: Flaps, Shuffles, Turns, Box Steps, Grapevines, Shirley Temple, Maxie Ford, Soldier’s Step, plus a fun new move called the “Robot.”
It’s been so much fun tapping together. Thanks for joining me! And remember, if you need a way to practice, just watch the class videos over again. I’ll be right there with you!
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